Distribution Evaluation Guide

Distribution Evaluation Guide

Implementing the proper business system can be as strategic and important to your bottom line as expanding your warehouse or bringing on new product lines. However, implementing the wrong solution or choosing an inexperienced solution provider can have a serious negative effect on your business — from lost opportunities and late orders to bankruptcy in some extreme cases. Consequently, it is imperative that wholesale distributors take time to clearly define their business processes and objectives before they start their search for new business software.

There are literally dozens of software products on the market today to help wholesale distributors automate and manage day-to-day business requirements such as accounting, inventory management, order entry, and manufacturing. The good news is that distributors have plenty of options. The bad news is that many companies feel overwhelmed by the evaluation process because they don’t have a roadmap to help them identify the right systems for their unique business and technical requirements.

This guide is designed to help wholesale distributors manage the entire software evaluation cycle from needs analysis and budget planning through software selection and implementation.

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